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  • What sort of equipment do I need to execute a training plan?
    Couple options that work: REQUIRED: 1) Nearby access to a climbing gym with bouldering walls, spray walls, and/or systems boards (Moonboard, Kilter Board, Tension Board, Grasshopper Board, etc.) OR 2) Access to a fingerboard/hangboard + basic free weights + a pull-up bar If you don't have either of these but you have something close, contact Aspect to chat. OPTIONAL BUT HELPFUL FOR SOME CLIMBERS: - Access to roped climbing walls - Physical training journal - Portable mini-tripod (for recording climbing videos on your phone) - Resistance bands (available on Amazon, etc.) - Skin care kit (emory board and lotion e.g. Rhino Skin Care, climbing balm, etc.) - Pinch block e.g. Tension Block - Campus board
  • What can I expect after purchasing a training plan?
    Aspect will guide you through a simple process to get started together: 1) You'll receive an email with onboarding instructions including a form to describe all your details as a climber 2) You'll receive an invite to TrueCoach to set up a personal account where your workouts will be presented and tracked 3) We'll schedule an intro video call together to discuss your climbing status, goals, and potential themes/points of emphasis 4) If your plan includes an assessment, we'll use 1-2 gym sessions to capture metrics on your existing abilities. 5) Your training plan will be set up to run on a weekly schedule starting on a Monday. 6) You'll log your workout results with videos, comments, and/or questions 7) We'll communicate via TrueCoach messaging to set up your training plan timing, assessments, and additional coaching calls (if applicable)
  • Are training plans just for advanced/elite climbers?
    Definitely not. Aspect training plans all start with understanding you and where you are in your climbing journey. Consider: - Training simply means "exercising with a specific intent". It doesn't necessarily mean campusing, hangboarding & big deadlifts. - Plans are appropriate for climbers who've climbed at least 6 months, so that there is a foundation of skills upon which to build. - If you climb at least 5.10- or v2, you can benefit from a training plan.
  • Does a training plan just mean physical exercises, or can I work on my mental game and tactics?
    Mental game and tactics are actually the primary component of long-term success, and are addressed regularly through all training plans. The physical components of your training plan are in reality just complementary to continual improvement in approach, movement patterns, and attitude.
  • I struggle with fear in climbing. Is a training plan still right for me?
    Definitely. While the physical aspects of training can support a healthy, injury-resistant body and increase confidence in your abilities, Aspect believes that the mental/tactical pieces are paramount. Whether you're terrified of falling or a zen master of fear management, we'll discuss your dispositions and figure out the right progression to address your fears.
  • I'm a gym climber who doesn't climb outside. Are training plans right for me?
    Most definitely. Modern climbing gyms provide great tools for realizing training benefits in consolidated time periods. If you wish to stay inside for good, Aspect supports your passion for plastic! If you're thinking about dipping your toes in outdoor climbing, Aspect can help you with that transition in a considerate, gym-to-crag best practice manner. We can also refer you to certified climbing guides who specialize in skills that are unique to the outdoor arena.
  • I'm an outdoor climber who doesn't climb indoors. Are training plans right for me?
    Although training plans are primary designed for those with regular access to a climbing gym, Aspect can defintiely work with you to customize your training efforts to the outdoors only. Some basic supplemental equipment will be helpful for you to own - contact Aspect for details.
  • Can I sign up for a training plan if I've already executed a training plan through Aspect or another coach?
    Yes! Aspect loves working with long-term clients to build long-term, repeatable success. Just sign up for a new plan and we'll check to see if an assessment is needed before you get started again.
  • I do other physical activities beyond climbing - can I still execute a training plan?
    You sure can. Aspect sees climbers also passionate about yoga, running, hiking, cycling, skiing/snowboarding, martial arts, dancing, juggling, galavanting, you name it. Your other passions can definitely be accommodated - Aspect can work with you to understand where climbing fits in your priority matrix and adjust from there.
  • Do I have to execute every workout in a training plan to be successful?
    Nope, we're not robots and you aren't either! Aspect can give you an "ideal" training structure based on a full review of your lifestyle. From there, it's up to you how rigorously you want to follow the plan. Some consistent investment in the plan is important for progress, but 100% plan compliance is not the goal.
  • I love climbing with my primary partner and/or friends - can I still execute a training plan?
    Yes indeed. Aspect understands and endorses the social aspects of climbing and can work with you to figure out a sustainable way to train while still maintaining climbing as an avenue for friendships/relationship building/etc.
  • I have an existing or past injury - can I start a training plan?
    It depends - contact Aspect to discuss. If the injury is minor or temporary: modified or unmodified training may still be appropriate. There is a lot of current exercise science to suggest that certain injuries actually need training stimuli to truly heal. While Aspect is not a medical/physical therapy practice, we are happy to refer you to one if/when helpful.
  • I don't have hours and hours to dedicate to the gym/training. Can I still execute a training plan?
    Definitely. If you have at least 2 days per week/90 minutes per session to train, you can realize major benefits with proper intent and discipline. Aspect works with climbers with demanding jobs, families, and other major commitments. It's all about "time-boxing" your training time. Many busy climbers have found that a structured training plan actually introduces an element of balance that can reduce stress from other parts of life.
  • I'm considering a plan but I'll be unavailable to train for some upcoming timeframe. Can I still train?
    Yes. As long as you are available to execute ~50% of your training plan, you can still realize significant benefits. We'll work around any upcoming conflicts by planning together during your intake period!
  • I'd love to start a training plan but I'm leaving for a trip in 1-4 weeks. What should I do?
    Go to the "Train" page and book a 1-hour coaching consult to dial in your tactics/approach for the trip! Right now there isn't enough time before your trip to realize the major benefits of a training cycle, so focusing on mental/tactical details is likely the best strategy. When you return from your trip, sign up for a training plan if you have time before the next major trip!
  • Can I purchase a 1-week / 2-week / 4-week / 47-week plan?
    Aspect training plan time periods are specifically set at 12-weeks for 2 important reasons: - Current industry data shows that training periodization works most effectively in this timeframe. - We need a major block of time to develop a healthy athlete/coach relationship and invest in your long-term success together. Treating training as a "long game" is the best way to ensure physiological adaptations that lead to lasting climbing improvement. If you are ready to commit to training for longer than 12 weeks, that's great. Aspect still recommends a 12-week cycle to start so that there is "whitespace" in your calendar year to pause, reflect on improvements and persistent weaknesses, and prepare to restart. If you simply can't commit to at least12 weeks at this time but want to top off your energy system(s) for an upcoming climbing trip, etc., see the "Train" page to book a 1-hour coaching consult for some advice!
  • What sort of content can I expect from my training plan workouts?
    A great training plan accounts for your current abilities, physiology, and psychology, guiding you through building blocks to long-term improvement while minimizing potential for injury. To that end, you can expect workouts delivered via the TrueCoach app to include: 1) A brief off-wall warmup to get your heartrate going, turn on your supporting muscular system, and lubricate your joints 2) A brief on-wall block including progressive drills to improve and refine your climbing technique and ready you for some try-hard 3) A central on-wall assignment which will vary depending on your specific goals and current abilities 4) A brief off-wall block to focus on supplemental strength and/or flexibility All instructions/training assignments include both written instructions and video demonstrations.
  • How will I learn and execute my training plan workouts?
    You'll be guided through your workouts step-by-step via private, personal access to the TrueCoach app. In the app, you'll have the opportunity to log results, post pictures/videos, and message your coach with comments/questions.
  • How will I know if I'm executing training exercises correctly?
    Whenever you are unsure about an exercise, Aspect recommends recording a video of yourself so we can discuss/adjust together as is necessary. If videos are impactical for the situation, use the messaging feature in the TrueCoach app, or if the issue isn't time-sensitive and you have coaching calls remaining in your plan, let's discuss live!
  • How can I communicate with my coach during training?
    Several ways, depending on your communication preferences!: 1) If you've purchased a plan with 1:1 coaching time, Aspect will connect with you to periodically to video chat live via Google Meet. 2) Use the Messaging feature in your TrueCoach app to connect with your Coach. Custom Plan subscribers can expect responses to any inquires within ~48 hours, while Established Plan subscribers can expect weekly responses. At Aspect, climbing trips are also a priority for coaches, so you'll be notified in advance if/when to expect occasssional communication delays with your coach. 3) Use the Notes feature in the TrueCoach app to log exercise results and observations. Your coach will reply/comment on your notes periodically. 4) Capture videos of climb attempts, both successful and unsuccessful. If you're an occassional video taker, you can attach your video in your workout results in the TrueCoach app. If you're an avid video taker (which is welcomed and encouraged), it will work best to upload videos to your own Google Drive folder and share the private folder link with your coach.
  • I'm an athlete in another country outside the US - can I purchase a training plan?
    Yes! Training plans are available to all English-speaking athletes worldwide. Aspect apologies that other language speakers are not supported at this time.
  • Training plans seem expensive - is there a cheaper option?
    Training plan pricing reflects days, weeks, and months of time designing workouts, processing data, recording demonstrations, communicating with clients, continuing coaching education, and numerous other overhead costs present in any business. Please consider the massive positive impact that coaching can have on your climbing experience and life in general! If a training plan is truly cost-prohibitive for you, consider booking a 1-hour coaching consult to complement your own self-managed training.
  • Can I break up training plan cost into payment installments?
    Contact Aspect and we'll definitely see if we can work out a payment plan for you!
  • Which payment options are available for training?
    Aspect accepts all major credit cards, Apple Pay, and Paypal. If you'd like to use another method of digital payment, please see the Contact page and send a message. Physical payment forms are not accepted.
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